Meet our four-legged family members.

The humans may be the ones getting married, but the pets remain the real stars.



Saul is a 7 year old hound mix with who splits his time between napping and sniffing bushes.

Nicknames: Saulushka, bubbe, shmooga

Likes: greek yogurt, barking at strangers, his mother

Dislikes: not being with his mother, leaf blowers, inadequate amount of treats


Celeste (CeCe)

CeCe is a zafig, 4 year old tabby who loves screaming in the middle of the night and sitting in laps.

Nicknames: Celerstey the worsty, Cecil, Princess Ding Dong

Likes: Saul, playing fetch, inconveniently walking across laptop keyboards

Dislikes: the vet, dogs that aren’t Saul, being brushed


A 1 year old marmalade tabby, Artemis is known for her scampering and loud vocalizations.

Nicknames: Arty, Bartemius, Barty

Likes: her father, napping in the sun, being escorted to her food bowl

Dislikes: movement of any kind while she is sleeping in your lap, brooms, her sister getting fed before her