Think you know us?



  1. He lived in four different states from ages 1-18.

  2. If he survives the apocalypse, he can make his own cheese, kombucha, beer, and bread. The essentials are covered!

  3. He once drove from North Carolina to California. Alone. And enjoyed it.

  4. He has a published chapbook of poetry called Gutterboy Rides Again.

  5. He hung the light fixture in his home's foyer by himself. Much swearing and sweating was involved.

  6. He runs 10ks for fun.

  7. His favorite drinks are Pinot Noir / Syrah (he couldn't pick just one type of wine), session IPAs, and overly fizzy seltzer.

  8. He converted to Judaism in 2021. (“Welcome to being a marginalized identity!” - Zoë)

  9. In 2020, he won his family's fantasy football league.

  10. He’s the jack of all trades you want on your team. He’s worked in many different industries, including: fast food, retail, construction, beer brewing, fine wine, and now software development.



  1. She attended three different sleep away summer camps from ages 9-14 and enjoyed none of them.

  2. She lived in Israel twice - once as a junior in high school and once immediately after graduating high school. (She did enjoy that.)

  3. Her favorite food is the potato. It's so versatile!

  4. She picked up a knitting habit during the pandemic. If you have a baby, she will knit it a blanket.

  5. The women in her family are known as Schmitterinas. They are known for their bossy nature, generous spirit, and intense belief that they know best (which they do).

  6. She has rewatched Gilmore Girls, in full, no less than 15 times. Dean becomes more problematic the more you watch.

  7. She was born and raised in Charlotte, North Carolina. Some people in Charlotte refer to native Charlotteans as "unicorns". She is not one of them.

  8. She was once interviewed by a philanthropy magazine about her experience as a teen philanthropist. It remains the first result in Google when you search her name.

  9. Before becoming a reluctant digital marketer, she was a docent/guard at the Bechtler Museum of Modern Art in uptown Charlotte. You can guess which part of her role she was best at.

  10. She will happily discuss any behavioral problems your pet may be experiencing. Don't forget to spay neuter your pets! Preferably at Stand For Animals.


As a Couple

  1. They call themselves the “McBernovets”. Not sure where this comes from? That’s fair. It’s a portmanteau of Zoë’s parents last names and the beginning of Connor’s last name. Bernstein + Kronovet + McGaha = McBernovet

  2. Zoë used to pretend to drink whatever wine or beer was handed to her. Since meeting Connor, she can recognize most grape and hop types and she actually enjoys (half) a glass of wine or (half) a pint of beer!

  3. Before moving in with Zoë, Connor used to wear his “daytime” clothes (button down, jeans, socks, boots) until he went to bed. He has since given up this madness and embraced the pajama life Zoë has taught him.

  4. Despite being together for 6.5 years, they only have 10 pictures of themselves together. This wedding is all an elaborate ruse to have more couple photos.

  5. When they purchased their Oakwold home in 2019 it came with a 400 pound wood-burning furnace that they immediately sold on Craigslist.